iPhone image showing home screen of app

Your own local IT nerd

Living in your pocket

Live Text Chat

Got a techy question and no-one to ask? Send us a message, we're here for you!

Remote Support

If you're having problems with your tech, we can help via remote desktop.

Home Call Outs

In urgent need of tech help? Get the biscuits out, the kettle on and we'll pop over!

What is Pocket Support?

Quite simply, Pocket Support is the app you need for techy answers. You'll be connected directly to a local nerd who will answer any questions you have.

Who Is It For?

Pocket Support is for anyone. Anyone with a techy question. We've answered everything from connecting your iPad to a projector through to automating your entire home.

Matt Facer - Head Nerd

Meet Your First Local Nerd

This is Matt. He is the founder of Pocket Support and a complete nerd. Living in South Manchester, he will be covering the SK postcode area. Of course, live chat can be national... and he has been known to travel further for chocolate covered biscuits.

How Does Pocket Support Actually Work?

It's easier to think of this in a scenario. So, imagine Harold. He has come home to find his laptop not working. He's tried turning if off and back on, so is fresh out of ideas.

Harold picks up his phone, opens the Pocket Support app and submits a chat request.

Matt picks up the request and has a live text chat with Harold.

It's clear this cannot be resolved via live chat, so Matt offers to come out to Harold to pick up the laptop.

Matt fixes the laptop and drops it back off with Harold.

Harold and Matt celebrate with Tea and Biscuits.

What services will be offered through the app?

We will start by offering live support chat within the app, remote desktop support and home visits to solve any IT / Tech issues you may have.

How much will the services cost?

The actual cost of services will vary. Text chat will be the cheapest and a home call out will obviously be more expensive!

How will people pay for the service?

Payments will be made through in-app purchases of credits. Credits can also be purchased through the website. Users will then redeem credits for services (eg: text chat).

What's Next?

If you're interested in learning more about Pocket Support please enter your email below. We'll keep you posted about the beta launch date and any other great bits of information.

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